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How Data Travels Through the Internet: A Journey of Packets

July 26, 2024 0 Comments

The internet plays a pivotal role in almost every aspect of our lives. Whether we’re sending emails, streaming videos, or browsing social media, we rely on the seamless movement of data.

The movement of data through the internet is a complex and fascinating process involving multiple layers of technology and infrastructure.Understanding this journey involves exploring various components, including servers, routers, and data packets.

What Is a Data Packet?

At its core, the internet is a global network of interconnected computers. Data on the internet travels in the form of packets, which are small units of data that are transmitted independently and reassembled at their destination.

These tiny bundles carry everything needed for communication: IP addresses, hop counts, length, and payload. Imagine them as digital couriers, shuttling information across the web.

  • IP Addresses: Each packet has a source address (where it came from) and a destination address (where it’s headed). Think of these as digital GPS coordinates.
  • Hop Counts: A packet has a “time to live.” It hops through routers and switches, decrementing its count. No eternal packet wandering!
  • Length: Depending on the payload, one packet may not be enough. Each packet specifies its length.
  • Payload: The payload—the actual data—rides within the packet.

When you send a message or request a webpage, your data is broken down into these packets. Each packet contains not only a portion of your data but also essential information such as the destination address, the source address, and sequence information. 

The First Step: Local Network

Once the data packets are created, they first travel through a local network. This network can be a home Wi-Fi network or an office Ethernet connection. The data packets move to a router or modem, which serves as a gateway between the local network and the broader internet. The router ensures that the data is properly directed to its next destination.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs):

Data packets travel from the local network to the broader internet through Internet Service Providers (ISPs). ISPs maintain extensive networks and infrastructure to facilitate the movement of data across vast distances. They connect local networks to the internet backbone, ensuring efficient and reliable data transmission.

Domain Name System (DNS):

Before data can be sent to a specific destination, the domain name of the destination must be resolved into an IP address. This process is handled by the Domain Name System (DNS). When a user enters a web address (e.g.,, a DNS query is initiated to find the corresponding IP address. DNS servers, distributed globally, perform this resolution, allowing data to be routed to the correct destination.

The Backbone of the Internet

The internet backbone consists of high-capacity, high-speed data transmission lines that interconnect major network hubs and ISPs. These lines are typically made of fiber-optic cables, capable of transmitting large amounts of data at incredible speeds. The backbone spans across continents and oceans, connecting various regions of the world.

Data Centers and Servers:

Along the backbone, data centers and servers play a crucial role in storing and managing data. When a user requests data, such as accessing a website, the data is retrieved from servers located in data centers. These servers are powerful computers designed to handle numerous data requests simultaneously. Data centers are strategically located to optimize data delivery speeds and ensure redundancy in case of failures.

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs):

To further enhance the speed and reliability of data delivery, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are employed. CDNs consist of multiple servers distributed across various locations. They cache copies of data, such as web pages and media files, closer to the end users. This proximity reduces latency, ensuring faster access to frequently requested content.

Ensuring Data Integrity and Security

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP):

The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite governs the movement of data packets across the internet. TCP ensures the reliable delivery of data by managing packet sequencing and error correction. IP handles the addressing and routing of packets to their destination. Together, TCP/IP provides a robust framework for data communication.

Encryption and Security Protocols:

To protect data during its journey across the internet, encryption and security protocols are employed. Encryption converts data into a coded format, ensuring that only authorized parties can decipher it. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are common security protocols that provide encrypted communication channels, safeguarding data from interception and tampering.

The Final Leg: Reassembling Data

Upon reaching the destination network, the data packets are reassembled into their original format. This reassembly process is managed by the receiving device’s TCP/IP stack, which uses the sequence numbers in the packets to arrange them correctly. Once reassembled, the data is delivered to the appropriate application or service, completing its journey across the internet.

To handle large volumes of data, advanced BNG routers with multi-gigabit capacity are required. Jaze ISP Manager integrates with all leading BNG routers to provide AAA and OSS/BSS solutions to completely automate business operations. Click here to learn more.

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Choosing the Right Internet Bandwidth for Seamless TV Streaming

July 19, 2024 0 Comments

In today’s digital age, streaming TV has become a popular alternative to traditional cable services. Whether you’re catching up on your favorite shows, watching live sports, or diving into the latest blockbuster movie, having the right internet bandwidth ensures a smooth and buffer-free experience. But how much bandwidth do you actually need? Let’s break it down.

Understanding Bandwidth Requirements

Bandwidth refers to the capacity or speed at which data can travel over a network connection. For streaming TV, bandwidth requirements vary based on several factors :

  • Resolution: The quality of your stream depends on the resolution (SD, HD, 4K, or 8K). Higher resolutions demand more bandwidth.
  • Bitrate: The amount of data per second affects streaming quality. Aim for a stable connection with sufficient bitrate.
  • Compression: Some streaming services use efficient compression algorithms, while others may require more bandwidth.

Resolution Matters

The quality of your streaming experience depends on the resolution and the amount of data per second (bitrate) your connection can handle. Here are the recommended minimum bandwidths for different resolutions:

  • Standard Definition (SD/480p): 1 Mbps
  • High Definition (HD/720p): 3 Mbps
  • Full HD (HD/1080p): 5 Mbps
  • 4K (UHD/2160p): 15+ Mbps

Consider Your Devices and Services

Different streaming services and devices have varying bandwidth requirements. Most streaming providers recommend around 10 Mbps for a smooth experience. However, here are some specific recommendations:

  • Streaming Services: YouTube TV, Hulu + Live TV, Sling TV, DIRECTV STREAM, and fuboTV: Aim for at least 10 Mbps. Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and other services: Follow the resolution-based guidelines mentioned above.
  • Devices: Smart TVs, gaming consoles, and streaming devices (like Roku or Fire Stick) all impact bandwidth requirements.

Account for Multiple Devices

The number of devices connected to your network also affects your bandwidth needs. More devices mean more simultaneous data usage, which can strain your connection. Assess how many devices are actively used at the same time and ensure your bandwidth allocation can handle the cumulative load.

Check for Throttling
Sometimes, internet service providers (ISPs) may throttle your connection, reducing your bandwidth to manage network congestion. If you suspect throttling, check your internet speed using online tools and compare it with your plan’s advertised speeds. If there’s a significant discrepancy, contact your ISP for clarification.

 Quick Tips to Improve Your Connection

To enhance your connection and ensure optimal performance, consider these quick tips:

  • Upgrade Your Plan: If you frequently experience slow speeds, upgrading to a higher bandwidth plan may be beneficial.
  • Optimize Router Placement: Position your router centrally and avoid obstructions to maximize coverage.
  • Use Wired Connections: For critical devices, like gaming consoles or work computers, use Ethernet cables for a stable connection.
  • Regularly Restart Your Router: Rebooting can resolve minor connectivity issues and refresh your network.
  • Secure Your Network: Ensure your Wi-Fi is password-protected to prevent unauthorized access.

By understanding and managing your bandwidth needs, you can greatly enhance your streaming experience. Consider the resolution, number of devices, and optimize your network setup to ensure smooth and uninterrupted streaming. Evaluate your internet plan and make necessary adjustments to meet your streaming demands.

With multiple streaming devices and upcoming 8K technology demand for bandwidth is going to sky-rocket. Going forward the bandwidth requirements per connection will be atleast 100 Mbps. This requires high-end BNG routers for supporting the increased throughput requirements. 

Jaze ISP Manager integrates seamlessly with leading BNG providers to ensure high concurrency for RADIUS and DIAMETER services. Additionally, our software solution supports integration with top OTT platforms and aggregators, automating billing and managing OTT services, activation and deactivation efficiently. Click here to learn more.

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10 OTT Video Trends You’ll See in 2024

July 12, 2024 0 Comments

In 2024, the OTT (Over-the-Top) streaming industry continues to evolve rapidly, driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences. From the rise of ad-supported models to the integration of AI-driven personalization, these trends are transforming how content is delivered and consumed. 

Here, we explore the top 10 trends that are shaping the future of streaming.

  1. More Ad-Supported Streaming Than Ever Before:
    • Free ad-supported streaming (FAST and AVOD) was the fastest-growing segment of the OTT market in 2023.
    • Established SVODs like Netflix, Disney+, Max, and Paramount Plus now offer ad-supported subscription tiers.
    • Amazon Prime is finally launching its ad-supported tier this month.
    • Expect more investment into FAST originals as platforms expand their audience reach and attract more advertising dollars.
  2. Advertising Innovation Driven by Influx of Ad Dollars:
    • Streaming platforms are poised to have sufficient technology, ad sales, and unique content to accelerate revenue growth.
    • FAST ad spending is projected to surpass cable, broadcast, and SVOD ad spending by 2025.
  3. Major SVODs Prioritize Profitability Over Growth:
    • U.S. subscriber growth for SVOD platforms has slowed.
    • Consumers manage an average of 5-10 SVODs, leading to subscription fatigue.
    • Subscribers are increasingly turning to free streaming services.
    • SVODs will focus on profitability rather than aggressive growth.
  4. OTT Services Bundled with Telecom Packages:
    • Telecom providers are bundling OTT services with their offerings.
    • This trend enhances customer retention and provides added value to subscribers.
  5. Standardization of OTT Licensing Agreements:
    • As the OTT market matures, licensing agreements will become more standardized.
    • This will streamline content acquisition and distribution.
  6. Shift from Traditional Pay TV to OTT Delivery Model:
    • Traditional cable and satellite TV services are transitioning to OTT delivery.
    • Consumers prefer the flexibility and personalized content options of OTT platforms.
  7. Global Expansion for Streaming Services:
    • Streaming platforms are targeting international markets for growth.
    • Localization, regional content, and partnerships with local providers are key strategies.
  8. AI-Driven Content Analytics:
    • AI algorithms analyze viewer behavior to optimize content recommendations.
    • Personalization and predictive analytics enhance user engagement.
  9. Increased Focus on Interactive and Social Features:
    • Streaming services incorporate interactive elements and social features.
    • Live chats, polls, and watch parties create a sense of community.
  10. Quality of Experience (QoE) Becomes Paramount:
    • QoE metrics like video buffering, load times, and resolution impact user satisfaction.
    • Platforms invest in infrastructure and CDN optimization to deliver seamless experiences.

Today all ISPs need to provide OTT services as a value add-on to retain subscribers and improve customer satisfaction. Jaze ISP manager integrates with all leading OTT platforms and OTT aggregators to automate billing for OTT services as well as activate and deactivate OTT services directly without manual intervention. Click here to learn more.

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Transforming Telecom with Generative AI 

July 5, 2024 0 Comments

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a disruptive force capable of revolutionising the telecom sector. By harnessing the power of generative AI, telecom companies can enhance: 

  • Network performance
  •  Improve customer experiences, and
  •  Unlock new revenue streams. 

Here are 15 innovative ideas to disrupt the telecom sector using generative AI.

1. Network Optimization and Predictive Maintenance

Generative AI enables telecom companies to optimise network performance and proactively address network issues through predictive maintenance. 

By collecting real-time network data and applying generative AI models, potential failures can be predicted and maintenance scheduled proactively, minimising downtime and ensuring optimal performance.

2. Intelligent Network Planning and Design

Analysing geographical data, user behaviour patterns, and traffic predictions, AI can generate optimised deployment plans, ensuring maximum coverage and capacity.

3. Intelligent Customer Experience Management

Generative AI transforms customer experience management by analysing customer interactions and behaviours to deliver personalised services.

By applying AI algorithms to customer data, telecom companies can generate personalised service recommendations and offers, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Fraud Detection and Prevention

Utilising AI models to analyse call records, billing data, and network usage patterns, anomalies can be detected and flagged in real-time, enabling timely fraud prevention measures.

5. Network Traffic Optimization and Resource Allocation

Generative AI optimises network traffic and resource allocation by predicting and adapting to dynamic traffic patterns. By training AI models on historical traffic data, future traffic patterns can be predicted and resources allocated optimally, improving network efficiency and service quality.

6. Predictive Analytics for Network Planning

AI can predict future demand for connectivity, enabling proactive planning and infrastructure upgrades, by analysing geographical data and growth projections.

7. Intelligent Virtual Assistants and Chatbots

Generative AI powers intelligent virtual assistants and chatbots, enabling personalised customer interactions and support. Using AI models that understand natural language queries, seamless customer support can be delivered.

8. Network Security and Threat Detection

AI algorithms can detect anomalous patterns indicating security threats, enabling real-time monitoring and proactive response to mitigate risks.

9. Service Quality Optimization

By predicting service degradation and identifying potential issues, AI enables proactive resolution, ensuring optimal service quality.

10. Revenue Assurance and Subscription Analytics

AI models can optimise pricing strategies and subscription offerings, maximising revenue. It also enables revenue assurance and subscription analytics by analysing customer behaviour and identifying revenue leakage.

11. AI-powered Fault Management in OSS

It revolutionises fault management in Operational Support Systems (OSS) by analysing network alarms and identifying root causes. 

12. Predictive Revenue Assurance in BSS

Generative AI enhances revenue assurance in Business Support Systems (BSS) by calculating customer usage patterns and predicting revenue risks. By implementing proactive measures, revenue streams can be safeguarded.

13. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in BSS

Improves customer relationship management in BSS by tracking customer interactions and behaviours. AI enables personalised recommendations and proactive issue resolution, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

14. Network Capacity Planning in OSS

Optimises network capacity planning in OSS by gathering  historical traffic patterns and predicting future demand. Efficient resource allocation strategies can be recommended, ensuring optimal network performance and cost efficiency.

15. Churn Prediction in BSS

Churn predictions in BSS by analysing customer behaviour and sentiment. AI models can predict customer churn likelihood and implement targeted retention strategies, minimising churn and retaining valuable customers.

These ideas underscore the transformative potential of generative AI, revolutionising key support systems in the telecommunications sector. By embracing these innovations, telecom companies can stay ahead in the competitive landscape and deliver superior services to their customers.

With the advent of AI in telecom, the sector is going to witness a tremendous change in terms of improving customer experience and automating network tasks. Processes will become more efficient and employee productivity will improve with AI incorporated into telecom.

Jaze ISP Manager provides ISP management software which helps ISPs to improve process efficiency and streamline business operations. Click here to learn more about Jaze ISP Manager.

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Wi-Fi 6: A Step Up in Wireless Technology

June 28, 2024 0 Comments

Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) is the latest iteration of the wireless standard, aiming to address the growing demand for data connectivity and bandwidth. It offers substantial improvements over its predecessor, Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac). 

Just as 5G revolutionizes mobile networks, Wi-Fi 6 is set to transform our wireless internet experience.

Key Differences Between Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5

Beyond speed, Wi-Fi 6 excels in supporting more devices without compromising performance. It offers four times the bandwidth of Wi-Fi 5, ensuring that network speeds remain stable even as more devices connect.

Wi-Fi 6 achieves this efficiency through two key technologies: MU-MIMO and OFDMA.

MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output)

MU-MIMO allows multiple devices to connect to a router simultaneously. Wi-Fi 5 supports up to four devices, whereas Wi-Fi 6 expands this capability to eight devices. Think of it as having more delivery trucks to distribute goods, enhancing efficiency.

OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access)

OFDMA takes the concept further by enabling a single truck to deliver goods to multiple locations at once. This technology allows data packets to be sent to various devices simultaneously, optimizing network performance.

Advantages of Wi-Fi 6

While speed and device capacity are significant, Wi-Fi 6 offers other crucial benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: Wi-Fi 6 introduces WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 3), a security protocol that encrypts connections and protects against brute-force attacks, even with weaker passwords. Although some non-Wi-Fi 6 devices support WPA3, it becomes a standard requirement with Wi-Fi 6.
  • Higher Data Capacity with 1024-QAM: Wi-Fi 6 utilises 1024-QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), which increases data capacity and improves speeds by 25% over Wi-Fi 5’s 256-QAM.
  • Reduced Wi-Fi Conflicts with BSS Color: BSS (Basic Service Station) Colour helps mitigate interference from neighbouring networks by marking other networks and causing the router to ignore them, reducing signal conflicts.
  • Improved Battery Life: Wi-Fi 6 features Target Wake Time, which schedules when devices check in with the router, conserving battery life by reducing the need for constant wake-ups.

Future-Proofing Your Network

Adopting Wi-Fi 6 is a way to future-proof your network. As more devices become Wi-Fi 6 compatible, having a Wi-Fi 6 router will ensure you can take full advantage of the capabilities of these new devices. Additionally, even non-Wi-Fi 6 devices can experience improved performance on a Wi-Fi 6 network due to better traffic management and reduced congestion.

Upgrading to Wi-Fi 6

To experience the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, both your devices and your router need to be Wi-Fi 6 certified. Similar to requiring Bluetooth 5.0 compatible devices for a phone with Bluetooth 5.0, both ends of the connection need to be Wi-Fi 6 capable to leverage its advantages.

Wi-Fi 6 represents a significant advancement in wireless technology, providing faster speeds, superior capacity for handling multiple devices, and improved efficiency. As the number of internet-connected devices continues to rise, Wi-Fi 6 is well-positioned to meet the growing demands for reliable and high-performance wireless connectivity.

Jaze Access Manager integrates with all leading Wi-Fi 6 vendors to provide managed hotspots and 802.1x authentication with radius based AAA for guest access and campus wireless networks. Click here to know more. Click here to know more

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 Step-by-Step Guide to IPv6 Deployment for ISPs

June 24, 2024 0 Comments

The internet is running out of IPv4 addresses. IPv6 is the next generation addressing protocol designed to solve this issue. As an ISP, transitioning to IPv6 is crucial for future growth. 

Here’s a 12-step guide to navigate this process:

  1. Assess Customer Base and Future Growth

Determine your current and projected customer count (home and corporate). Request an appropriate IPv6 prefix: /32 for up to 50,000 customers, /31 for up to 100,000, and /30 for up to 200,000. If necessary, request an upgrade of your current prefix. Visit your Regional Internet Registry for requests.

  1. Conduct a Network Audit

Evaluate your equipment for IPv6 support. Document all components, from upstream connections to customer premises equipment (CPEs). Push vendors to provide necessary support if lacking.

  1. Get Professional Training

Enroll in training programs with experienced IPv6 deployment companies. RIPE NCC offers valuable IPv6 training material. Consider consulting services for a smoother transition, saving time and reducing potential business losses.

  1. Confirm Upstream IPv6 Support

Verify IPv6 support with your upstream providers and configure BGP sessions accordingly. Ensure Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) used have IPv6 support. Seek better partners if your current ones lack support. Use tunnels like 6in4 or GRE only as temporary solutions if dual-stack is unavailable.

  1. Review Security Policies

Update security policies to match those of IPv4, avoiding ICMP filtering for IPv6. Check IPv6 prefix filtering in BGP peers and review operational security considerations.

  1. Update Monitoring Systems

Ensure all monitoring systems support IPv6. Systems should handle IPv4 and IPv6 equally, tracking traffic quality, stability, and visibility of your prefixes.

  1. Design Your IPv6 Addressing Plan

Create a detailed addressing plan, different from IPv4. Use an IP Address Management tool for accuracy. RIPE Labs’ article on preparing an IPv6 addressing plan and the online IPv6 Subnetting Card are useful resources.

  1. Deploy IPv6 in Core and Distribution Networks

Start with dual-stack deployment in core and distribution networks. Consider phasing out IPv4 in parts of your network later to reuse those addresses elsewhere.

  1. Conduct a Small Trial

Begin with a trial in your corporate network. Allocate a /64 for each LAN or VLAN and maintain dual-stack configurations. Use Stateless Address Configuration (SLAAC) and RDNSS. Involve corporate and residential customers in this phase.

  1. Prepare Access Network and Provisioning System

Update your access network and provisioning system, including billing systems. Choose an appropriate transition mechanism, like 464XLAT for residential customers. Use DHCPv6 prefix delegation for numbering customers, referring to RIPE BCOP for guidance.

  1. Configure Provider-Side Translator (PLAT)

Implement NAT64 and DNS64 in your network. Avoid carrier-grade NAT (CGN) due to higher costs and complexity. For cellular networks, deploy PLAT and set up an IPv6-only APN. Ensure devices like Android and Windows support customer-side translators (CLAT).

  1. Update Customer Premises Equipment (CPEs)

Update CPEs and conduct tests with customers. This step is critical and complex. Once successful, proceed with phased IPv6 activation and prepare for a commercial launch.

Jaze ISP Manager offers comprehensive solutions to help ISPs transition seamlessly to IPv6 with integration with all major BNG providers ensuring robust network performance and future-proof connectivity. Click here to know more.

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5G vs. Fiber Optic Internet: The Next Generation of Speed and Connectivity

June 14, 2024 0 Comments

What is 5G internet? 

5G represents the fifth generation of mobile networking, succeeding 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G. Designed to connect objects, individuals, and devices, 5G promises significant innovations and benefits over its predecessors.

Evolution of Internet Speeds

  • 1G: 2.4 kbps
  • 2G: 64 kbps
  • 3G: 144 kbps
  • 4G: 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps
  • 5G: Expected to deliver 20 Gbps peak data rates and 100+ Mbps average data rates

5G vs. 4G and Fibre-Optic Internet

5G is expected to deliver peak data rates of 20 Gbps and average rates exceeding 100 Mbps. This is a significant leap from the current fastest fibre-optic speeds of 1 Gbps. 

While 4G LTE networks offer speeds around 12.5 MB/s, 5G could reach speeds as high as 2.5 GB/s. This means a 3GB file that takes 30 minutes to download on 4G could take only 35 seconds on 5G. 

Global Implementation and Investment

Ericsson predicts that by 2024, 5G will cover 40% of the world and handle 25% of all mobile traffic. This rollout requires substantial investment, with over $4.2 billion projected to be spent on 5G infrastructure.

Wireless but Not Entirely

5G replaces the physical last-mile connection with a wireless one, though the core network will still rely on fibre-optic cables. The challenge lies in ensuring individual connections maintain high performance despite potential congestion and physical barriers.

Cost-Effective Installation

Compared to fibre-optic internet, 5G installation is cheaper and less labour-intensive. The plug-and-play nature of 5G means faster, easier deployment, making it a more attractive option for many.

Concerns and Myths

There have been many concerns raised about the safety of the 5G internet. The radio waves emitted by 5G devices and towers are similar to those emitted by previous generations of mobile technology and are well below international safety standards.

Will 5G Replace Fiber Optic Internet?

Despite the impressive advancements of 5G technology, it will not replace fibre optic internet. Instead, 5G will serve as a crucial complement, especially for last-mile connectivity, while fibre optics will continue to play an integral role in the core network infrastructure. 

ISPs will need to navigate a future where both technologies play a crucial role. Broadband market is expected to grow at a steady rate and ISPs will continue to play a dominant role in deploying last mile fibre for fixed broadband services. ISPs will need to manage operations to be efficient and scale as their networks grow.

Jaze ISP Manager enables ISPs to streamline business operations and scale along with growing subscribers added to ISP networks. Click here for more information on Jaze ISP Manager.

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Breaking the Bandwidth Wall: AI’s Impact on System Architecture

June 10, 2024 0 Comments

As artificial intelligence (AI) models continue to grow, system design limitations have become the primary bottleneck. With advancements in conversational AI, computer vision, and recommender systems, AI models with hundreds of trillions of parameters are on the horizon. 

However, to sustain this growth, significant architectural innovations are essential, as current system designs are struggling to keep pace.

The Rapid Expansion of AI Workloads

The expansion of AI models has been astounding.

  1. Transformer Model (2019): This was the largest natural language processing (NLP) model at the time, boasting 465 million parameters, fewer than the synapses in a honeybee’s brain.
  2. Gshard MoE (Mid-2020): This model included more than a trillion parameters, roughly the same number of synapses as a mouse brain.
  3. Future Projections: NVIDIA projects that by 2023, AI models could reach 100 trillion parameters, equivalent to the synapses in a macaque brain. If this trend continues, models with human-level synapse counts could soon be within reach. However, this is contingent upon the evolution of our computing infrastructure.

Overcoming Interconnect Bottlenecks

To keep up with the rapid growth of AI models, computational throughput must increase significantly. This means either adding more nodes or boosting the communication speed between nodes. However, even today’s most advanced systems face interconnect bandwidth limitations, maxing out at hundreds of gigabits per second (Gbps). 

Current Limitations: Copper-based interconnects face limitations in bandwidth, cost, power, density, weight, and configuration.

Tight Coupling Requirements: Today’s AI architectures rely heavily on GPU-HBM (high-bandwidth memory) and GPU-GPU communication, creating tight coupling requirements and increased latency due to the necessity of routing through the CPU to access DRAM.

Pivoting to Optical I/O and New Architectures

To address these challenges, a fundamental shift towards photonics, or optical I/O, is necessary. This technology uses light pulses instead of electrical signals to transmit data. 

  • Higher Bandwidth: Optical I/O offers a significant boost in data transfer speed, enabling communication between components at much faster rates.
  • Lower Latency: Light travels faster than electricity, reducing the time it takes for data to travel between processing units. 

With optical fiber there is practically no limitation on the amount of bandwidth that can be transferred and this will be critical to upcoming AI models.

ISPs and bandwidth providers will need to be ready to scale up their systems to cater to the increased bandwidth demands with the proliferation of AI.

This would require support for newer BNG routers with newer architectures such as CUPS which will help cater to increased bandwidth demands without high hardware costs.

Jaze ISP Manager integrates with all leading BNG providers to deliver high throughput RADIUS and DIAMETER services to cater to increased throughput and volume requirements of the future. 

Click here for more details.

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GPON Networks: The Future of Telecommunications

June 3, 2024 0 Comments

The world is moving towards an “always connected” reality, with growing numbers of devices demanding ever-increasing bandwidth. This surge in data creates a critical need for robust, secure, and sustainable network solutions. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) technology stands out as a frontrunner in meeting these demands.

What is GPON?

GPON utilizes fiber optic cables to transmit massive amounts of data between a central point and multiple distributed locations, spanning up to 20 kilometers. As the name suggests, it’s a passive network, meaning it doesn’t require any electrical equipment in the signal path, reducing energy consumption.

How Does it Work?

A GPON network consists of an OLT at the central office. This OLT communicates with ONTs installed at user locations through a fiber optic cable. One OLT port can manage up to 64 ONTs, with passive optical splitters dividing the signal efficiently. Data travels downstream (OLT to ONT) at 2.5 Gigabits per second (Gbps) and upstream (ONT to OLT) at 1.25 Gbps, offering superior broadband capabilities.

GPON transmission relies on a single optical path between the OLT and ONT, using different wavelengths: 1490nm downstream and 1310nm upstream.

Traditional Network vs. GPON

Downstream Transmission: In downstream transmission, data is packaged and addressed at the OLT, distributed in a “broadcast” manner. Each ONT only collects data specifically addressed to it.

Upstream Transmission: In upstream transmission, multiple ONTs send data to the OLT via a single fiber. This is achieved through time slots, where each ONT transmits information in its designated slot.

Technological advancements have led to enhanced GPON protocols like XG-PON, NG-PON2, and XGS-PON, which offer 10 Gbps transmission in both directions.

Key Benefits of GPON Networks:

Superior Bandwidth:  GPON offers significantly higher bandwidth compared to traditional copper networks, enabling faster downloads, uploads, and seamless streaming.

Long-Term Scalability: The underlying fiber optic infrastructure in GPON networks boasts a lifespan exceeding 25 years. Upgrading the network to handle future bandwidth demands only requires replacing terminal equipment, not the entire fiber optic cabling.

Sustainability Champion:  By reducing reliance on electrical equipment, GPON networks consume considerably less energy, making them a more environmentally friendly solution.

Cost-Effective:  Lower equipment requirements and a low-maintenance passive network translate to significant cost savings for both network operators and users.

Applications of GPON Networks:

GPON networks are revolutionizing how we connect, with applications extending beyond traditional internet access:

Remote Work: Reducing the need for commuting, allowing more time for other activities.

Remote Health Services: Minimizing travel and providing faster service.

Online Government Services: Streamlining public services and accelerating processes.

GPON networks are also applicable as local access networks (LANs), potentially replacing existing copper networks in:

  • Companies with numerous workstations or connection points (sensors, machine control, etc.)
  • University campuses
  • Large factories
  • Industrial zones and parks
  • Sports complexes
  • City councils

ISPs deploying GPON networks need to provision CPE devices and monitor devices for troubleshooting. Jaze ISP Manager provides TR069 based provisioning of credentials, Wi-Fi network provisioning as well as monitoring of critical statistics like fiber power levels and Wi-Fi signal strength.

Jaze ISP Manager also pulls SNMP data to monitor upload and download speeds and device statistics. This information is provided to the administrators along with the other details of the subscriber, thus enabling quick troubleshooting of issues and faster resolution leading to better customer satisfaction.

Also Jaze ISP Manager provides inventory management to manage the device life cycle right from purchase to deployment with end-to-end tracking and accountability helping you get better insights.

Click here to know more on how Jaze ISP Manager can help in managing your GPON deployment efficiently from procurement to provisioning and monitoring.

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How Much Broadband Speed Do You Really Need?

May 27, 2024 0 Comments

Network Bandwidth: The Data Highway

Network bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can travel across a network connection in a given amount of time. It’s essentially the capacity of your internet pipe. The wider the pipe (higher bandwidth), the more data can flow through it, resulting in a faster and more efficient connection.

Bandwidth vs. Speed:

Many people confuse bandwidth with internet speed.Bandwidth is the capacity of the connection, whereas speed is how fast the data actually travels. Think of it like this: if bandwidth is the width of the highway, speed is how fast cars (data) are moving. A high-bandwidth connection allows more cars to travel at once, but the speed at which they move depends on various factors, such as network congestion and hardware capabilities.

Importance of Bandwidth

Bandwidth is crucial because it directly impacts the efficiency and performance of your network activities. In other words, it keeps your connection flowing smoothly. Higher bandwidth allows for:

  • Streaming high-definition videos: Video streaming services require a lot of data transfer. Without sufficient bandwidth, you might experience buffering and lag.
  • Downloading large files: Large files like games or software downloads take longer with lower bandwidth.
  • Supporting multiple devices: With more devices connected to your network (phones, laptops, tablets), bandwidth is shared. Higher bandwidth ensures a smooth experience for everyone.

How Fast is Your Internet Connection?

Traditionally, bandwidth was measured in bits per second (bps). However, with today’s high-speed connections, we more commonly use Mbps (megabits per second) or Gbps (gigabits per second) to represent bandwidth. There are two main types of bandwidth connections:

  • Symmetrical: Symmetrical connections have equal data capacities for both uploading and downloading.This is often seen in enterprise-grade internet connections.
  • Asymmetrical: Asymmetrical connections, on the other hand, have different upload and download capacities, with upload speeds typically being slower. This is more common in home internet plans.

Understanding Bandwidth Calculations:

Technology: Newer technologies like fibre optics with multiplexing can squeeze more data through a connection compared to older copper options.

Spectrum Licensing: In mobile networks (LTE, 5G), operators have licensed spectrums for data transmission, offering a more controlled environment.

Wi-Fi Spectrum: Wi-Fi uses unlicensed spectrum, so multiple access points competing for the same frequencies can lead to bandwidth congestion.

Effective Bandwidth : The highest reliable transmission rate a link can provide is measured by a bandwidth test, which involves repeatedly timing the download of a specific file from origin to destination.

Calculating Bandwidth Needs

  1. Identify Applications: Determine which applications will be in use.
  2. Application Requirements: Assess the bandwidth requirements for each application.
  3. Multiply by Users: Multiply each application’s bandwidth requirements by the number of expected simultaneous users.
  4. Sum Total Bandwidth: Add together the bandwidth requirements for all applications.

Bandwidth for Clouds and WAN Links

  1. Local vs. Wide Area Networks: Bandwidth on local area networks (LANs) is usually much higher than on WAN or DIA connections.
  2. Monitor Utilisation: Track bandwidth usage over different periods (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) to ensure the network link has sufficient bandwidth and determine if an upgrade is necessary.

Factors Affecting Network Performance

Even with high bandwidth, other factors can impact your experience:

  1. Data Delivery: Lost data packets (packet loss) and delays (latency) hinder efficient data transmission. Additionally, fluctuations in packet arrival times (jitter) can disrupt smooth data flow.
  2. Bottlenecks: Network paths often involve multiple connections with varying capacities. The connection with the lowest bandwidth can bottleneck the entire network, limiting overall performance.
  3. Aggregated Links: Enterprise networks may use multiple connections combined into a single, logical link (aggregated link). While this increases total capacity, failure of even a single connection can reduce overall bandwidth.

The demand for bandwidth is expected to increase significantly in the coming years with the emergence of new technologies such as VR and AR. Additionally, IoT and AI will further drive the need for higher bandwidth.

Currently, a household with multiple streaming devices and users typically requires about 50 Mbps. However, this requirement is expected to rise dramatically. In response, some broadband providers have already started offering 1 Gbps plans to their subscribers.

To meet the future’s increased throughput demands, broadband providers need scalable BRAS routers.

Jaze ISP Manager integrates with all leading hardware and software BNG providers. It supports both RADIUS and Diameter protocols, offering unlimited scalability for service providers. Click here for more details.

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